A Level CIE Chemistry: Textbook 19. Lattice Energy19.1 Defining lattice energy19.2 Enthalpy change of atomisation & electron affinity19.3 Born-Haber cycles19.4 Enthalpy changes in solution 20.Electrochemistry20.1 Redox reaction revisited20.2 Electrolysis20.3 Quantitative electrolysis20.4 Electrode potentials20.5 Combining half -cells20.6 Using E values20.7 More about electrolysis 21.Further aspects of equilbria21.1 Conjugate acids & conjugate bases21.2 ph calculations21.3 Weak acids: using the acid dissociation constant21.4 Buffer solutions21.5 Equilibrium & Solubility21.6 Partition coefficients 22.Reaction Kinetics22.1 Factors affecting reaction rate22.2 Rate of reaction22.3 Rate equations22.4 which order of reaction ?22.5 Calculations involving the rate constant ,k22.6 Deducing order of reaction from raw data22.7 Kinetics & reaction mechanisms22.8 Catalysis 23. Entropy & Gibbs free energy23.1 Introducing entropy23.2 Chance & spontaneous change23.3 Calculating entropy changes23.4 Entropy ,enthalpy changes & Gibbs free energy23.5 Gibbs free energy23.6 Gibbs free energy calculations 24. Transition elements24.1 What is a transition element ?24.2 Physical & chemical properties of the transition elements24.3 Ligands & complex formation 25. Benzene & its compounds25.1 The benzene ring25.2 Reactions of arenes25.3 Phenol25.4 Reactions of phenol 26. Carboxylic acids & their derivatives26.1 The acidity of carboxylic acids26.2 Oxidation of two carboxylic acids26.3 Acyl Chlorides 27.Organic nitrogen compounds27.1 Amines27.2 Formation of amines27.3 Amino acids27.4 Peptides27.5 Reactions of the amides27.6 Electrophoresis 28.Polymerisation28.1 Condensation polymerisation28.2 Synthetic polyamides28.3 Biochemicals polyamides28.4 Degradable polymers28.5 Polymer deductions 29. Organic synthesis29.1 Chirality in pharmaceutical synthesis29.2 Preparing pure enantiomers for use as drugs29.3 Synthetic routes 30. Analytical Chemistry30.1 General principles of chromatography30.2 Thin-layer chromatography30.3 Gas-liquid chromatography30.4 Proton nuclear magnetic resonance30.5 Carbon -13 NMR spectroscopy P2 Practical skills 2Â P2.1 IntroductionP2.2 PlanningP2.3 Analysis ,conclusions & evaluationP2.4 The three remaining skills