Edexcel AS Pure Maths 2 : Compiled Resources QP compiler from 2024-2019 1.Algebraic Methods 1.1 Algebraic Fractions1.2 Dividing Polynomials1.3 The factor Theorem1.4 The Remainder Theorem1.5 Mathematical Proof1.6 Methods of ProofChapter 1 review 2. Co-ordinate Geometry in X-Y Plane 2.1 Midpoint & Perpendicular bisectors2.2 Equation Of Circle2.3 Intersection of straight line & circles2.4 Use of tangent & Chord Properties2.5 Circles & Triangles Chapter 2 review 3. Exponential & Logarithms 3.1 Exponential Functions3.2 Logarithms3.3 Laws of Logarithms3.4 Solving Equations Using logarithms3.5 Changing the base of logarithmsChapter 3 review 4. The Binomial Expansion 4.1 Pascal’s Triangle4.2 Factorial Notation4.3 The binomial exapansion4.4 Solving binomial problems4.5 Binomial estimationChapter 4 review