Edexcel IGCSE English Language Revision Notes Concise resources for the Edexcel IGCSE English Language Revision Course English Language Studies Data Representation 1.1 Number Systems1.2 Text, Sound and Images1.3 Data Storage and Compression Data transmission 2.1 Types and Methods of Data Transmission2.2 Methods of Error Detection2.3 Encryption Hardware 3.1 Computer Architecture3.2 Input and Output Devices3.3 Data Storage3.4 Network Hardware Software 4.1 Types of Software and Interrupts4.2Â Types of Programming Language, Translators & IDEs The internet and its uses 5.1 The internet and the World Wide Web5.2 Digital Currency5.3 Cyber Security Automated and emerging technologies 6.1 Automated Systems6.2 Robotics6.3 Artificial Intelligence Algorithm design and problem-solving 7.1 Development Life Cycle7.2 Algorithms7.3 Standard Methods7.4 Validation and Testing7.5 Identifying Errors Programming 8.1 Programming Concepts8.2 Arrays8.3 File Handling