A Level CIE Biology: Textbook 12. Energy & Respiration12.1 The need for energy in living organisms12.2 Aerobic Respiration12.3 Mitochondrial structure & function12.4 Respiration without oxygen12.5 Respiratory substrate 13.Photosynthesis13.1 An energy transfer process13.2 Structure & Function of Chloroplasts13.3 The light -dependent stage of Photosynthesis13.4 The light independent stage of Photosynthesis13.5 Limiting factors in photosynthesis 14.Homeostasis14.1 Homeostasis14.2 The structure of the kidney14.3 Control of water content14.4 The control of blood sugar14.5 Homeostasis in plants 15. Control & Co-ordination15.1 Hormonal communication15.2 Nervous communication15.3 Muscle Contraction15.4 Control & coordination in plants 16. Inheritance 16.1 Gametes & reproduction16.2 The production of genetic variation16.3 Genetics16.4 Monohybrid inheritance & genetic diagram16.5 Dihybrid inheritance 16.6 The chi -squared test16.7 Genes ,proteins & phenotype16.8 Control of gene expression 17. Selection & Evolution17.1 Variation17.2 Natural selection17.3 Genetic drift & the founder effect17.4 The Hardy-Weinberg principle17.5 Artificial selection17.6 Evolution17.7 Identifying evolutionary relationships 18.Classification ,biodiversity & conservation18.1 Classification18.2 Biodiversity18.3 Maintaining biodiversity18.4 Protecting endangered species18.5 Controlling alien species18.6 International conservation organisations 19. Genetic Technology19.1 Genetic engineering19.2 Tools for the gene technologist19.3 Gene editing19.4 Separating & amplifying DNA19.5 Analysing & storing genetic information19.6 Genetic technology & medicine19.7 Genetic technology & agriculture P2 Practical SkillsP2.1 Practical SkillsP2.2 Planning an investigationP2.3 Constructing a hypothesisP2.4 Identifying variablesP2.5 Describing the sequence of stepsP2.6 Risk assessmentP2.7 Recording & Displaying resultsP2.8 Analysis ,conclusions & evaluationP2.9 Evaluating evidenceP2.10 Conclusions & discussion